6 Truths About Starting a Business Online (or Any Business)

6 Truths About Any Business… (For those who want to start a business online)

You are here to learn how to make money from home…

But unfortunately the truth is often disguised by those wishing to either attract you to buy their product “one click of your laptop will instantly win $ $ thousands $ $ on the Internet while watching the soap operas.” Or that “he has been jumping from one MLM company to another in the last 6 months and I swear by your mother, your grandmother, your dog that this is the company that will make you a millionaire if you take this miraculous “cure-all” that can only be found at the tip of this special iceberg “.

BY GOD! This seems to be a virus spreading by what they call the New World Order to keep us busy but without hope.

So the first thing we will do is learn what thousands of others have learned (including me), and that applies to any business.

Truth # 1 There is no such thing as a “free lunch” (Free Lunch)

Every Business will cost money to make money, the important thing is to be careful how you spend your initial investment. On the internet you will find so called “Gurus”, “AntiGurus”, and the poor who discovered a system or software and tomorrow night to your laptop spits money every minute and now a month later have race cars, mansions, exotic travel, one month stays in 7 star hotels, surrounded by beautiful women, all in just 1 month. Now these “good people” want you want to buy their book for $ 97 (today’s special $77) and the reason is that you can make money selling the same book you just bought. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

When you engage in a business, you have to work it. POINT. Even those programs that claim you do not have to do anything, have a part in its documentation that says something like… “just have to promote your website.”

This is the problem that most people have when it comes to developing a strong online business. Anyone who tells you to start and make a business successful online is easy and requires no effort is not being completely honest. Now this does not mean it is not fun, rewarding, honorable, inspiring and lucrative, and even more so when we can retire from a regular job to devote our full time, effort and dedication to our business.

Truth # 2 you should always exercise “leverage” (leverage)

What is leverage? It is the ability to bring people and / or resources to work for a common goal. When several people work together toward a goal it is much easier and more productive than one person doing all the work themselves.

Imagine you paint your house. How much quicker would it be if you had two people instead of one? Or what if you had five working? Alone, maybe it would take 10 hours to paint your whole house, this means with 5 people putting forth the same effort it would only take 2 hours. That my friend is the power of leverage.

Truth # 3 Friends and Family do not understand or even really care what you do.

They remain in a traditional job, thinking it will last 40 years. Little do they realize that in today’s economy this company could go broke overnight. They are blinded by traditional thinking and will probably never pay attention to your journey to success until you actually arrive.

Vacation is reserved for convenience not theirs but of the company, and sick days are limited. While it takes some time and effort to develop your own business to replace your current income, when you’ve achieved your goal you can make your vacation plans and design your business around your life, not vice versa.

Truth # 4 The Roman Empire was not built in a day.

Likewise your business will not grow from nothing to hundreds $ $ in a week.(it has happened but it is not the norm)

Many people become “Opportunity Grasshoppers”, and if an opportunity does not produce them $ $ $ in 3 weeks they move (or jump) to the next.

Like the story of the farmer who planted corn, and a week later only saw one green sprout of barely protruding from the ground and decided that he was going to take them out and plant tomatoes because apparently this ground would produce no corn. Because he did not have patience he died without ever seeing a harvest.

Any company no matter the product, or compensation can earn you money when you take the time to market it, talk to prospects. Just as plants if you do nothing your business will not prosper if you withdraw your plants too early.

Truth # 5 If you want to replace your job, you should work your business as a job.

If you treat your business like a hobby, then do not be surprised when it only grows very, very slowly if even at all. You have to make the decision to see it as another job and take more responsibility for your effort so see success.

What does this mean in rice and beans? You must take time to market efficiently, talking with a number of people per week, as if you were employed by another to do so. This is your future… your retirement… your ability to stay home with your family and continue to generate revenue. Choosing when and where your next vacation will be. Remember it takes work to achieve all of your goals and desires.

Truth # 6 You must develop multiple income streams

Create multiple streams of income is like having an insurance policy. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket because if that basket was lost or stolen you would have to start all over from scratch. With multiple income streams flowing into your bank account you never have to worry because should one drop off you have many others to sustain you until you can create another stream to replace the one that was lost.

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